tlocrt Website

tlocrt website image
tlocrt Website
A personal website created in Hugo.
August 2024

This website was created in Hugo. Since I was a web development noob, it took a small eternity. But it was fun!

What you’re seeing is a custom Hugo theme, developed by following the first ~1/3 of the helpful book Build Websites with Hugo by Brian P. Hogan and then freestyling (aka typing semi-coherent questions into various search engines and LLMs until something started working).

What’s up with the name?

The word “tlocrt” (pronounced tlotsrt) means “ground plan” in Serbo-Croatian. I picked it mainly because I liked how the word looked — it’s kind of symmetric, but also not really. Also it’s not easy to find a cool domain name in 2024 that is also available…

The logo was inspired by the meaning of the word and contains artistic interpretations of elements of technical drawings.


Features that took way more time than they should have include:

  • Serving a downsized version of all images (unless the user clicks on an image — then they get all the pixels).
  • Responsive design (this means that things will be positioned and scaled differently, depending on your screen size).
  • Automatically generated “Latest” section on the homepage (the secret sauce was using .Site.RegularPages instead of .Site.Pages).
  • RSS feed not quite ready yet :/


Every time I work on the website, I get many wonderful ideas of what I can do next, all of which I promptly forget the moment I stop working on it.

Cue: a TODO list.

  • Maybe reconsider the font
  • Make priority lists nicer
  • Tidy up the css / work details